the akashic records

hello & welcome! thank you for your interest in learning about the akashic records. details and the process of an akashic records session with me are below.
the akashic records are a cosmic database of all events, thoughts, emotions, intent, and living beings across all time and space, which is accessible in one’s dna through the reverse of their heart center. the akashic records are a neutral ground where you can receive information in real-time through your records keeper. time isn’t linear in the records, meaning things can be instantly transformative while in the akashic records or by accessing akashic energy itself, it all depends on what the purpose of the session is and how ready one is to receive the energy, information, healing, or embodiment the akashic light provides. while the akashic records are the database of info, akasha is the energy itself which can cause physical reactions like fluctuations in body temperature, shortness of breath, teary eyes, dizziness/feeling lightheaded, jolts of energy/muscle twitches, and potentially affect depth perception. akasha & the akashic records are energy first and information second, so there may be a lot of silent pauses while the energy is being translated into something you can understand. it won’t always make sense to me, which is fine because it’s meant to make sense to you. to prevent your records from being compromised, energy work is consciously done on multiple levels before we even get to the records to ensure nothing else is affecting the energy of the session. this is something that can be interfered, but my training as a practitioner provides me with the tools to keep the information clear and accurate. once we get to the records, the keeper of your records will address me and/or you through me to let us know the records are accessible at that point. if anything notable about the energy work wasn’t covered by then, we will address that before getting to your prepared questions. all questions will be answered as the keeper permits, you will be told if it is in your best interest to not receive an answer to a question, most likely with a reason. you can ask about nearly anything and i’m willing to try almost any question. “when” questions tend to be measured in energetic shifts but we can try to get a specific date for something if that’s what you want. you cannot ask about the opinion of somebody outside of the session. there are several methods of transmitting the energy, such as recording, direct channeling, and visuals. recording includes written notes, which takes the longest but is also the most thorough. this is the way i prefer to channel during these sessions, but channeling and relaying details of visions are also important ways information reaches you through me in the akashic. because of the variation of channeling methods, it is recommended you take your own written notes during the session. do not be on your phone aside from the call as it interferes with the session. 
*your spirit guides and ancestors can accessed in the akashic records, contrary to popular belief. i do specific energy work to ensure they are not exerting their will over yours in these sessions.*
restrictions: you must be at least 18 years of age, refrain from alcohol & recreational drugs for 24 hours before AND after the session, and avoid driving or any other dangerous activities for an hour after your session.
the format for a session is as follows:
  • brief rundown of session process
  • guided meditation into energy work
  • energy work: personally developed methods based on my own practice that does not involve pulling external energy into your field. the akashic records are NOT external from you.
  • invocation to open the akashic records
  • greeting from and q&a with your keeper/the akashic records
  • parting guidance from your keeper/the akashic records
  • closing the akashic records & aftercare
sessions can last up to 90 minutes and require your full presence. please be in a quiet place that is free of distractions, have paper & pen to write any notes, and a glass of water that you’ll finish by the end of the session. the session will take place over the phone so please keep that in mind while booking, you will be sent an sms reminder 15 minutes prior to the start of your session. international calls are not available at this time but can be supplemented via instagram video call. your pronouns and full current legal name are needed to access your records (for people who go by a different name we can try with that first but you may need to provide the full legal name regardless; i am sorry i do not know how to access the records another way for you and i want to minimize any trouble or discomfort this may cause you.)
all sessions are confidential and all messages delivered during sessions are as dictated or perceived and confirmed with the akashic records before that delivery occurs. any clarity can be provided once a question is answered, it just needs to be asked for so if an answer isn’t to your satisfaction, we can follow up on that as well. you can come prepared to the session with at least three (3) questions in order of priority, as sessions will be as long as akasha allows. follow up questions are allowed as permitted and all questions require your keeper’s acknowledgement before they’re asked. when the akashic records decide they’re done, the session will be prompted to close. this typically happens after 90 minutes but please allow an additional 15 minutes in case we go over time. if something comes up for you that requires ending the session, we’ll be able to wrap up quickly & decide to move on from there. if there is any part of the process i didn’t explain to your understanding, we won’t be granted access to the akashic records so your educated consent is required for any session to be held. any questions you have can be asked before we start. if you need help coming up with questions, you may ask once you’ve tried on your own.
once you understand all of the above, please feel free to book an akashic records session with me here! thanks for your support and i’m looking forward to working with you.
tips are never expected but always appreciated, venmo/paypal.

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