healing with human design

hello & welcome! here’s information on energetic healing with human design and the light body.

human design energy healing looks at the specifics of the human design chart & relates it to your intended inquiries or functions as a general session on its own. this session does not invalidate one’s energetic makeup, but rather explores and acknowledges the energetic systems laid out in one’s human design chart. these systems show different paths and gates for channels of energy through different energetic centers involving practices of i ching, kabbalah, astrology, and the energy centers commonly referred to as chakras. this session and corresponding report are not done with the typical bodygraph, although it is used as a tool to prepare for the session. you will not receive a report on your human design chart or its details and characteristics, but an interpretation through a graph channeled by me with the akashic records to develop this session. i base this healing off of the human design system to translate one’s multidimensionality into information they can understand and accept while fully (re)connecting to their self.

this practice was personally developed by me under divine guidance and takes the entirety of the human design chart into consideration to create a light body healing session that extends to the primordial cells. additionally, a mantra is channeled through the energy of your chart to create a resonance that celebrates & calls your energy back to yourself on your own, without external assistance. energy healing with human design can be described as a light body healing, which falls under the label of psychic healing. in human design, there are different energetic circuits defined that can either be complete or incomplete, with your own design or involving another’s. typically, one is drawn to others who have the same placements they do, which they have yet to consciously integrate, or differing placements as a way to complete this circuit. this session focuses on “completing” your own energetic circuits so you don’t find them in another person via energetic codependence. these circuits are supplemented with reclaiming and redirecting your own energy. this does NOT imply that you are otherwise not whole or missing pieces, but emphasizes the opposite: that you are whole on your own, and deserve to feel complete as you.

the energy in the human design chart is also defined as conscious, unconscious, or receptive. conscious aspects are ones you can recognize as yourself and modify due to this awareness. unconscious aspects are things you don’t understand or recognize about yourself, but are there regardless of acknowledgement. some positions act in both states, which can oscillate from being conscious to unconscious depending on one’s point in their journey or astrological aspects, since there is a planetary component to human design. this healing session helps bring things into more conscious awareness for an individual, leaving less room for the subconscious motivation and creating space for moving with intention.

in a human design energy healing session, you receive a light body healing centered on your human design makeup, a report on this healing, and a mantra for you to recite and incorporate into your own energetic healing practices. the emailed report includes a basic picture of this energetic interpretation of your human design chart, which can be turned into an art piece or portrait for yourself for an additional fee. if you choose this option, the art can be sent to a shipping address within 3-4 weeks of the booked session or chosen after you receive your report. all art is activated with light language to provide additional layers to healing and engagement.

this session occurs at the booked time, but may integrate at either the time of session or during your next restful sleep. please refrain from recreational drug & alcohol use or operating anything dangerous at the time of your session and for two hours before and after. all sessions must be booked at least 48 hours in advance and allow up to one week for the reporting to be delivered via email. this is the only session which will require an accurate birth time, date, and location for booking. currently, there is no other way to accurately navigate healing with your human design chart without this information. it is suggested to inquire with your akashic records if you would like to know your “true” birth information and they recommend deciphering this with universal time if you do not specify a timezone beforehand.

last edited january 28, 2023.

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