
updated january 2023:

new services are now available for booking! along with what’s already on my calendar to schedule 1:1, there is an option to hire me for group workings, additional readings, and other spiritual services. the services that are easily booked are only the most popular of what i offer, so please request a free consultation if you need more info for sessions, classes, and commissions before committing with a payment.

all sessions integrate during the next time you sleep unless you specifically request otherwise. for example, a session booked for 5 pm on a tuesday will only begin to process when you’re asleep at 1 am wednesday. to avoid this, book for the time you will remain energetically present and say you want it live in the booking form.

here, you’ll find a comprehensive list of the services i have to offer. most sessions are available to book here.

  • akashic: all akashic sessions include accessing the client’s personal akashic records to safely complete. akashic clearings can be booked at any time, all other akashic sessions, including a q+a, channeling a personal opening, or healing to aid with safe access of the akashic records, can be asked about in a consultation. i access the akashic records reliably with remote methods and always have in my practice, which is discussed in my comprehensive course on the akashic records available here.
    • akashic clearing: this is one of the more in-depth services i offer, using several processes involving the akashic records for an intensive transformational healing. please be aware that a contract is channeled and written into your akashic records, creating a permanent change in your life by doing so. a clearing rarely takes less than 2 hours to complete and my attention is needed for the session, so i will not be available for contact until after i confirm it’s done. the report includes the channeled contract that integrates with your akashic records and energy bodies, along with all other information revealed during the energy work and clearing ceremony. for most clients, one or two akashic clearings can provide the necessary changes in life to avoid further intensive healing sessions, effectively marking a lasting difference in their healing journey.
    • restrictions during an akashic session include: no consumption of alcohol for 3 days before and 3 days after your session. no drug use aside from prescribed medicine under direction of a doctor (i will never advise you to stop medical treatment as this is dangerous). the name you are most comfortable with using is the one required for this session. blocked access from the client will result in a refund minus processing fees.
  • reiki: all reiki sessions are completed only using usui shiki ryoho reiki, unless otherwise stated. i am a 7th generation usui reiki master teacher, practicing remotely since 2018, with online courses to follow at your own pace. enrollment opens on january 30, 2023 for the next attunement date on february 17, 2023. you can book a consultation or email me to sign up as a reiki student.
    • general: uses sacred reiki symbols to create and seal a flow of reiki into your energetic bodies. this is a whole body session with intentions to restore health, remove energetic parasites, and strengthen your aura and all energetic centers. personal intentions to direct energy are included in every other session except for this one.
    • sculpt: reiki sculpting is a technique developed in my personal practice under guidance of my reiki lineage, allowing a deeper reach while maintaining the true flow of reiki. this session is most often booked when clients have a simultaneous physical healing session, such as acupuncture or medicinal cannabis use. report includes written details and graph of meridians to show where reiki or other energy has concentrated or affected your general energy flow.
    • intentioned programs: covering a span of different areas of focus, these sessions can be used for anyone who feels called to the program’s intentions or you can create your own in the booking form. mix & match programmed intentions for a multidimensional healing perfectly catered to you. the first 5 listed here were first developed in 2018 following my initiation into reiki.
      • 7-fold centering: focuses on the 7 main energy centers (root, sacral, solar plexus/navel, heart, throat, brow, crown) to remove blockages and ensure proper energy flow throughout the aura. an analysis is provided in the report to assess the strength of these centers, any debris removed from your auric field, and ease in interacting with reiki.
      • extended auric reparation: same as above, analysis + repair, focuses on all 7 main energy points as well as 5 upper centers including the higher self, and the hara line. allows for total rejuvenation and protection of your energetic and spiritual bodies.
      • womb healing: removal + repair – not restricted to people with uteruses, this session focuses on the lower centers of sacral and root energy healing. improves energy flow for self-esteem, self-love, and creativity while easing paranoia of repeated cycles. removes residual energy from past partners or ties from sexual experiences. a more intensive version of this session can be requested in the form of a cord removal or akashic clearing.
      • power of will: assessment + alignment – this session provides a solar plexus/navel energy focus to promote clarity in your identity and self-esteem. removes blockages causing inaction or lack of motivation and aligns your actions healthily with your desires.
      • open heart – open mind: receiving repair – focusing on the brow and heart centers, self-limiting beliefs are released while beliefs about abundance and love and self are promoted. increases trust in your intuition and clarity in creating healthy boundaries for yourself and others.
      • shadow work: reiki is used to encourage safety and protection during the shadow journey, amplifying the mental and emotional fortitude needed for shadow integration. this session is great for those who have denser energy to move through as embodiment is engaged with in consistent practice.
      • self-love: emphasizes healing your heart, sacral, and higher energy centers, but the benefits reach your whole body. this work can result in more positive self-talk, higher self-esteem, a better sense of confidence, and stronger willpower to establish healthy boundaries for yourself.
      • customizable intentions: use the booking form or discuss intentions in a consultation for more guidance.
  • light body: a multidimensional healing practice as passed down through personal ancestral teachings and initiations. the light body is comprised of three parts: the free soul, the true soul, and the seal of the causal body. in a session, the light body is activated to move healing light between and throughout the physical/material, emotional, spiritual, and other energetic bodies as it transmutes blockages and densities to be recycled in perfect alignment with the universe’s will. results tend to be immediate. in-depth information is available here. be mindful that this is a change to your energetic makeup and your bodies will react as such. this is a different energy work process than akashic sessions and is NOT an akashic practice. akashic access is an internal consciousness bridge while light body activation is still internal but attuned through transference, much like a reiki lineage. however, this does NOT involve energetic enmeshment, as energetic boundaries are respected. these services are not intended to replace any medical advice and should not be considered as medical treatment.*
    • light body healing: this remote session uses the light body to provide a transformative healing that is in-depth and effective. we always start with a psychic body scan, whether the session is general or targeting a specific area as identified via your consultation form. this session activates your light body for an extended period so you continue healing on your own long after we part ways. once the course of action is determined, your light body is activated while my light body works on drawing out foreign energy and setting up the stage for our light to heal you, together. sessions include energetic alignment and auric cleansing with a written report provided to detail what was experienced during the session, including but not limited to what was removed, the kind of energy removed, where the removed energy was rooted, what areas of life the energy was affecting, how your light body’s been activated to help finish out the healing, aftercare, and more. different colors of light are identified depending on the type of healing done and what it’s addressing, which will also be included in the report.
    • activation course and retreats: for those interested in learning light body healing on their own and permanently activating their light body to do so. please read the in-depth article on light body activation before signing up for the class. an advanced light body course which incorporates learning from the psychic retreats is in the works for release in 2023. the introductory course includes an activation ceremony and reading material for self-paced learning. course outline is as follows:
      • the basics: definitions of light body, details of activation, sessions vs activations
      • the ethics: do’s & don’ts, educated consent, safety precautions & limitations of light body healing
      • the details: the colors of light, discerning energy signatures, healing the self & others with the light body
      • the ceremony: activation, certification, support moving forward
  • other sessions + services: these offerings either combine several energy healing techniques or fall under a different scope than what i usually advertise.
    • cord removal: specialized energy healing for cord removals from specific people, places, situations, or a generalized cord removal process for those unaware of what’s affecting them. all removals include an energetic body + auric repair and harmonization with energy work sealed in. please only book this if you are 100% ready to remove this energy from your life. you’ll be emailed when the session is done with personalized aftercare moving forward, but be aware that this may take 3 to 6 months from session completion for permanent, noticeable results.
    • healing with human designin a this session, you receive a light body healing centered on your human design makeup, a report on this healing, and a mantra for you to recite and incorporate into your own energetic healing practices. the emailed report includes a basic picture of this energetic interpretation of your human design chart, which can be turned into an art piece or portrait for yourself for an additional fee. if you choose this option, the art can be sent to a shipping address within 3-4 weeks of the booked session or chosen after you receive your report. all art is activated with light language to provide additional layers to healing and engagement. this is not a human design chart interpretation, only a healing session using it as a reference for direction.
    • ancestral insight reading: a divination service to examine the strength of your connection to benevolent ancestors, whether this connection has been severed for any reason (either accidentally by the self or maliciously by another), and other information revealed through those who act as your spirit guides. this can stand alone as a tarot and oracle reading or pair with a powerful healing led by those involved.
    • energy healing art: my practice has expanded into different creative areas over the years, which can be enjoyed for free or commissioned for personal use. my site is in the process of being updated to share more about art.
      • music: dj akashic light, released as my first music project under come cosmic, is on soundcloud and bandcamp. this album was made in and with the light of the akashic records, adaptable to specific goals by listeners with intention.
      • commissions: i currently offer digital art commissions for personal use. consultations are a pre-requisite to all commissions. any commission can also be ordered as an archival print, which can be ordered upfront or after you receive your art. commissions take up to 4 weeks from payment to complete.
      • prints: art pieces that were channeled for spiritual purposes and energetic practices can be found as archival prints at
      • shop: all handmade art and enamel pins are available on my etsy store. these items are original designs, paintings, and handsewn crafts made with love.
    • tarot + oracle readings: all decks used for readings are consecrated for client use. readings can be added to any session for a discount. there are several examples of collective readings throughout this site and social media for those who want to get an idea of my reading style.
      • tarot with The Betty: you’ve seen her on clothing and in art, but now you can work directly with the amazing rescue pup tarot reader. The Betty is in control of these readings, choosing which cards belong in your spread, and telepathically communicating her interpretation so i can record it for you. each reading comes with a picture of your spread with The Betty. around for a limited time, so book before march here.
      • other readings: book a consultation for all other readings, including live tarot readings over video call, text message, or audio recording.
  • available courses: i teach in a way that presents information and leaves the ball in your court for engagement. i am always available as a teaching resource to any students of mine and will do my best to point you in the direction that best suits your needs, even if that does not further involve my participation.
    • usui shiki ryoho reiki: learn level 1, 2, or 3 at any time. enroll for an attunement to become a reiki student and receive the reading material containing necessary information for reiki initiates to learn for their practice. enrollment opens on january 30, 2023 for individual attunement ceremonies on february 17, 2023. committing to all 3 levels receives a package discount.
    • the akashic records: an in-depth guide covering information rarely discussed in a safe akashic records course. includes channeled information, exercises for personal practice, and case studies to examine common misconceptions with a spiritual practice as complex and involved as the divine archives. a labor of love directly from the heart, a $250 usd value for only $55.55 here.
    • light body: due to misuse of educational materials, prospective light body students can schedule a consultation to determine if this practice is right for you. general enrollment for light body courses resume with the launch of additional courses later in 2023.
    • individual coaching + mentorship: if your needs exceed those of a self-paced student, there is limited availability for ongoing and one-time spiritual coaching. this is for anyone who wants more support while establishing their practice, regardless of whether you started in my class. includes access to a text number to reach me for direct contact and answers as soon as possible. book a free consultation and indicate if you’d like to hop on an IG call to get the right feel for one another before committing to a coaching plan and payment.
    • group learning opportunities: if you’re interested in learning alongside friends and loved ones, book a consultation or email directly for quotes. in the areas i teach and specialize in, i can write out a program for a single-day or weekend event for in-person learning or a more complex program for online learning. i am based in new york and can easily travel to the tri-state area and new england.

about mars
mars is an autistic transgender reiki master teacher and akashic records practitioner. a spiritual teacher and energy artist, mars channels and translates divine information into tangible resources for public and private use. while mars is largely self-taught in different contexts, he honors and respects his traditional usui reiki lineage as he preserves sacred knowledge for initiates and energetic healing practices with the help of the akashic records. mars is completely self-taught when it comes to energy art and safe and healthy methods of akashic records access and practice. a skilled and trusted energy healer, mars has successfully completed healing sessions for over 700 people and animals, and continues to expand his skills in a way to reliably teach others in truth and with love.

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