hello & welcome! thank you for your interest in learning about reiki & seeing what i have to offer. please read this page & refer to the reiki faq here before emailing any questions.

while i have no plans on offering the class in this structure in the future, i can teach it one-on-one over 6 weeks for $333 usd. this ends up being less than $1 per minute of active class time, as this will be scheduled and facilitated over zoom.
this class serves as an in-depth study for usui reiki while learning from a certified practicing reiki master. the reading provided is expected to be done by the time class meets as the live discussion builds off of it. please email me if you’re ready to take on this journey and develop your healing skills.
class schedule
- week one: level 1 guide & intro to program
- week two: level 1 practice & discussion
- week three: level 2 guide & the akashic records
- week four: level 2 practice & discussion
- week five: level 3 guide & attunements
- week six: developing your reiki practice & discussion
reiki level 1 guide: 23 pages
reiki level 2 guide: 16 pages
reiki level 3 guide: 17 pages
attunements must be received by the first class meeting. all students will be attuned to level 3 of usui reiki unless they request receiving attunements 21 days apart, with the third attunement scheduled at least two weeks after the last meeting. even if you have proof of previous attunements, you will be receiving a level iii attunement from myself.
payment plans are available with 50% deposit and 50% paid by the first class. all reiki courses and attunements are non-refundable, but can be rescheduled for a later date. do not book an attunement or course if you will not commit to this. the first class will not start until you receive the level 2 attunement.
continue reading for self-paced learning opportunities.
for those who are ready to take their healing journey to the next step, reiki can help in a multitude of ways. a natural healing modality, reiki translates to “life force energy” and can easily be practiced depending on the practitioner’s will, focus, and intent. limited spots are available for pay-what-you-want pricing as there has been a severe increase in performing corrective reiki attunements for people who previously believed they were attuned, but weren’t. pay-what-you-want pricing is reserved for people who have a genuine financial need and cannot otherwise afford attunements only.
when it comes to learning, it’s important to go at your own pace. don’t rush into things because you feel called that reiki is your next career move and you’ve already quit your day job to practice it. while you may pick it up quickly, or have prepared in other ways to receive this attunement and work consciously with reiki, the effectiveness of reiki flowing completely relies on the practitioner, their skill level, and their discernment. reiki flows where it needs to go, but carries the energetic imprint of the practitioner and their reiki lineage. you must respect the energy in order to work with it.
all levels are self-paced with the reading material sent before the attunement. this gives you time to read everything over so you can feel comfortable going into your attunement. please request a version for screen readers if you need/prefer that. i try to provide any accommodations one needs in learning, if you need something else altered please let me know by emailing me. a certificate will be emailed to you after your attunement to ensure it’s completed first. please make sure you are using the name you want on your certificate when you sign up with your booking form.
usui reiki level i
book this attunement if you’re just starting out with reiki.
for level 1, we go over the history of reiki & its usui tradition, placements for hands-on practice, ethics, and intentions. bonus chakra system lesson and additional exercises with level 1 material.
suggested donation: $66
- pdf on reiki level i/1 channeled via the akashic records
- attunement to reiki level i in the usui tradition
- energetic system lesson & additional exercises
- access to future talks/group learning/webinars/resources discussing reiki
usui reiki level ii
book this attunement if you’re ready to progress to the next level of reiki or received your level i attunement with another reiki master
for level 2, we strengthen what’s learned in level 1 by learning the traditional usui reiki symbols sacred to reiki practitioners. remote or distance reiki is covered at this level as well. *tip: one of the ways you can access the akashic records and akashic fields is through a symbol learned in this level!*
suggested donation: $77
- pdf on reiki level ii/2 channeled via the akashic records
- attunement to reiki level ii in the usui tradition
- remote healing lesson & exercises
- access to future talks/group learning/webinars/resources discussing reiki
usui reiki level iii/master level
book this attunement when you’re ready for the third and final attunement for usui reiki.
for level 3, we discuss how to pass attunements or turn them off if one ends up in an unsafe position. we also talk about developing your practice professionally and furthering your education with energy healing.
suggested donation: $133
- pdf on reiki level iii/3 channeled via the akashic records
- attunement to reiki level iii/master level in the usui tradition
- information on how to remove an attunement
- previous reiki guides upon request
awaiting your attunement
*pay what you want pricing is limited based on donations. the minimum prices for level i and ii attunements are $55 each and the level iii/master attunement is $111. thank you for understanding the attunement process as an energetic exchange.*
due to limited availability each month, please book the time where you can receive your attunement. please keep in mind that this attunement is completed remotely, without contact. i am a certified reiki master in usui shiki ryoho, which acknowledges the lineage of reiki master mikao usui & his channelings on the healing art. this tradition of reiki utilizes the four aspects and nine elements, which is discussed in level iii.
leading up to your attunement, you may feel called to make lifestyle changes related to your overall health and wellness. please keep in mind that while reiki is an alternative healing modality, it is not a replacement for or intended to be professional medical treatment or advice. any changes to diet or exercise should be made with your doctor. while it is not necessary, taking a break from any recreational drugs and alcohol use can help the integration of your attunement. please plan on being in a comfortable position where you can rest if you need to for the time of your attunement. it is normal for the surge of energy from the attunement to take at least three weeks to settle. some lifestyle changes you may be called to make can be permanent, please consider this possibility before your attunement. this is not to fear monger, but for example if you drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, you may quit as it may no longer be conducive to your energetic makeup.
during your attunement, it is possible you’ll feel physical side effects at the exact time of attunement and as your energetic bodies process and strengthen the ability to practice reiki. possible physical side effects include but are not limited to nausea and vomiting, upset digestion, tingling in palms or all over body, temperature changes, headaches, increased sensitivities, change in taste (food cravings), gas, sweat, crying spells, or change in sleep and appetite. symptoms may have a quick on/offset and any lingering symptoms may need medical attention. please use common sense and seek proper help when you need it. again, be in a safe place for your attunement. eat when you need to. sleep when you need to. an attunement can take up to 21 days to process and it’s recommended to wait that long in between attunements for each level.
sponsor an attunement
while all reiki attunements are pay what you want, the akashic records have provided a suggested donation price for each one. this doesn’t need to be paid, but this is what will be charged if the records say this program has been abused and wants it changed. to help sustain this program, you may help sponsor a reiki attunement for another person, whether it’s someone you know or an unknown person on my waiting list. for various reasons, the akashic records have requested this to be offered after i’ve put it off for nearly two years. they no longer want me sacrificing attempts at allowing community when virtual learning works just as well as local teaching and can be carried out on a larger scale because of its ease with access. this then leaves greater opportunity for expansion outward in local communities as the human experience is embodied with healing.
help sponsor a reiki attunement by donating any amount via my tip jar on venmo or ko-fi. please include reiki sponsor in the notes. thank you for helping expand healing knowledge to communities that can benefit from it most.
*all prices in usd*
important: i emphasize not rushing through learning or working with reiki or any sort of energy healing or spiritual practice. there is a possibility of opening yourself too much or essentially frying out your higher chakras because of a lack of grounding practices. when this happens, you’re left vulnerable to dangerous health conditions including symptoms of mental health disorders. signs of overactive higher chakras include paranoia, mood swings, anxiety/depression, hallucinations/delusions, and suicidal ideation or tendencies. please take your health seriously and work alongside professional trauma therapists if this or shadow work is one of your goals by learning reiki or energy healing. it is also suggested to not be where you were if you were traumatized in your life. people who practice reiki are not at all exempt or invincible when it comes to entity attachments or hauntings. it’s very easy to get carried away in the excitement of learning while forgetting discipline and discernment are needed with practicing energy work. i never want to fear monger but there has been a growing practice, especially encouraged online, of working with forces or energies that are not in alignment with one’s greatest and highest good. i teach that intention follows the bullet, meaning the impact of an action needs to be accounted for rather than intending all is well by the fool with the wool pulled over their eyes. *if you ever feel like your attunement or access to reiki is too much to handle, please contact me for a method of shutting this off until you are ready to try again. please do not feel guilty or incompetent when this could be a decision that saves you.*
disclaimer: this is not intended to act as or replace professional medical advice and treatment. please consult professional care when needed.

my reiki master certificate
can provide level i & ii certificates upon request
last edited february 13, 2022.