mym october 2020

hello & welcome! thanks for joining october’s make your money group healing session. this session integrates at 12 midnight your local timezone on october 26, 2020. you receive a constant loop of this energy work until the timeframe is up on november 25, 2020. the next session integrates at 12 midnight your local timezone on november 26, 2020 and you can sign up by clicking here.

the following healing modalities were used in this session:

+ akashic light
+ light body
+ reiki
+ light language
+ dragon energy & breathwork

the session started with grounding each person to the earth’s core & prepping to work in the records/my office. everyone corded easily and stayed corded as the work coursed through. reiki traveled from crown chakra to grounding chakra below the feet, pumping thru the hara line & meridians, lighting up each individual’s auric fields. i started speaking light language at back of head with the causal chakra, and kept singing as energy was moving between the causal, thymus, and heart chakras.

once expanded fully as the light body, i saw all the akashic helpers in light body, together pulling out lots of foreign energy that was then vacuumed up or cycloned down to be recycled by the universe. each person had their own main helper acting as team lead of individual helpers. at this point, i began using light language in song until prompted to move onto the next section of work. the cyclone stayed active until end of session.

most of the dense energy work in this session was on electronics & technological aspects due to foreign energy or interference in relation to these screens. once the physical human bodies were addressed, a screen appeared next to each person’s light body. this screen showed a web of accounts, profiles, documents, contracts, and energy related to them showing as wires between each of the items and yourself. all of these wires were energetically cleansed in a similar fashion to cord cutting/clearing, then reinforced & boosted to attract beneficial & harmonious energy in alignment with your greatest & highest good. this boost also applies to any transactions or opportunities that have to do with self-care & wellness along with one’s community as defined by the individual.

in come the dragons. some of my fave beings to work with, dragons showed up about halfway through the session to help transmute unaligned energies and seal the work in. dragon breathwork was used with lower chakras (solar plexus & below). dragons also helped with cultivating a divine fire to remove any lingering energies and strengthen auras upon completion of the session.

once the session was over, i checked over each person & we hugged before leaving my office to go to a lobby in the records. i should expect these sessions to end in similar parties but i was surprised to see it happening again. everyone was dressed in some fancyass clothes, gold accents everywhere, laughing while talking about whatever thought bubbles popped up relating to the session. when it was time to go, each connection was broken up after one final look over & seal-in.

energy might be a lil funky as the energy integrates over the next seven days. november third is the day mercury stations direct, so please plan accordingly! the post-shadow period ends the week before november’s make your money group healing session if you wanted to wait to see the full effects but the retrogrades & other sky stuff is taken into account with these sessions. worst case scenario, there’s build up until something hits you on the 20th.  there are no special aftercare instructions with this session but you can always take a salt bath to help process and have some me-time. stay patient & thank yourself for doing something to take care of you. thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey and i hope to see you next month! please let me know how you like these sessions and don’t forget there’s special pricing for a family & friends plan.

take care,

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