mym march 2021

hello & welcome! thank you for joining march’s make your money group session. a quick reminder that this energy work integrates at 12 midnight your local time zone on march 26th and is active until 11:59 your local timezone on april 25, 2021. please sign up here (under specials) to join april’s session!

modalities in this session include:
light body
akashic light
seed/flower/tree of life
dragon breath & energy

once the energy work for this session was programmed, everyone was corded into the center of the earth and the universe. each member of the group appeared in the space above the earth, directly over either where they were located for the healing’s integration or to address a different point on earth that would benefit from this healing communally as well. throughout the session, three processes were happening at once with the programmed energy. on the individual level, you were receiving an in-depth reiki healing strengthened by fellow reiki practitioners participating in the session. on the collective level, your light bodies were working with other volunteers available to help with the session to break apart what looked like an inverted spider web around the earth, full of dark wisps and flecks of sludge instead of silver strands. electronics and internet presence and spaces were addressed as well, passing through fire breathed into the spaces by dragons helping with the session.

each person in the session had their own individualized integration of the energy work before meeting at the universal tree of life before dropping back down into my akashic records office. i’ll comment on the shared experiences i witnessed but i highly recommend asking your records keeper to view the reel of your healing (you can use the name of the session or date or refer to me as practitioner and find it easily). this way you’ll know what information directly applies to you as well as building a stronger connection with your records.

reiki was the main healing modality used on the individual level as it provides a gentler integration than the others mentioned. this was also used to show the capacities reiki has as a healing tool, as it was used in conjunction with the other modalities & techniques. the energy in and around everyone’s crown energetic point was cleared out, some broken cords or attempted invasive connections removed with this process. the fabric of space we were in was shaken out to further clear some energetic debris into a transmutative flame that was above and below us. this fabric continued rippling during the session to keep pumping the energy out. those who practice reiki were shown with additional light around them as they helped facilitate the flow of reiki for themselves and the group as needed. with each person’s individual flow of reiki, i saw hair on the head being covered to strip out something else that was attempting to exist there. this was related to the energy at the crown being cleared away. at this point i also became aware of some of the protections being put into place to prepare those participating in the workshop i’m holding with kari of Seekers Evolving on march 27th — sign up here if you want to join. (use code “MARS” for 20% workshop & items until end of march as all in the collaboration help me afford top surgery thank you!)
reiki continued carrying out as my attention was drawn to other areas of the session.

collectively, the web was most of the subconscious work as additional helpers were used to coordinate its cleansing. everything was working together to remove the energy that was coating the web. this… took a lot of time. as more and more layers were being worked through, reiki was stretching down from the individualized work so it would extend outward to what’s receptive to it as well. this web also served as a sort of “fallout” of energy for what’s described in the next portion of the report.

additional accounts had their own space for healing during this session. i understand this was to prevent any enmeshment of energy between all of the processes and this was a better way to conduct this specific session. to say things have been entangled is an understatement. fortunately, with awareness we can consciously change behavior (or understand why our behavior could have changed). unfortunately, this doesn’t do much for how others will react to you. figuring out what boundaries work best for you and implementing those boundaries for others always has the potential for some form of backlash. anyone who fails to respect your need for boundaries further proves how they’re necessary for you to have, and you can act how you see fit knowing this. you have the permission to do what you need to do to feel healthy and safe and protected, and this includes removing the access others have to you. if external energies previously influenced your flow of income at all before this session, you might be able to see exactly why or how as a sudden influx would mean this was finally reconnected to you.

when each person’s reiki programming was finished integrating into each respective energetic field, the universal grounding cords were emphasized with light. we traveled to each of our seeds of life using reiki as well, as everything in the session was building off of each other. i saw points at the back of some heads plug up, more energy being removed as reiki sealed up these “holes” from the inside. some appeared to come from hair follicles so please be careful with what you choose to expose yourself to. again, this part of the healing was so individualized that i recommend personally reflecting to find specific answers for you. i’m also available to answer questions as some parts of this report are left intentionally vague due to what’s engaging with it. this is because everyone experienced different points in their life that they were healing from, energetically reversing effects to carry out through the flower of life when the bodies return to physical existence. the flower of life created a protective mesh for the energies to leave through, with additional reiki provided to keep these energies sealed off too. this mesh then extended to the tree of life, each person’s individual tree highlighted with energy flowing as conversations are had with the universal tree. each person in the group took as long as they needed for this portion as well to offer more control over their healing.

everyone took the universal tree as a slide back into my akashic records office before dropping back down with the session completely sealed in. as each person popped back into my office, some discussions were taking place, already showing improved clarity from the session’s work. we parted ways for the next month and now we’re here!

some additional recommendations: energetic boundaries overhaul — examine & reflect on different areas in your life where you’ve been too giving or too receptive — where can harmony be allowed? are there simple decisions you can make by disengagement? in addition to reflecting on your mental and emotional wellbeing, where can you show yourself more love? are there parts of your body you’re drawn to touch or massage to help the flow of energy? are there ways you can be vulnerable with yourself to show you that yes, you trust you? continue reclaiming your energy by stating your full name three times with intentions for this reclamation to occur each time you wake up and each time you fall asleep. be gentle with yourself, forgive yourself, and enjoy these new experiences with yourself as you move through the next month.

thanks for allowing me to be part of this with you.

take care,

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