mym april 2021

hello & welcome! thank you for joining april’s make your money group session & happy full moon in libra/scorpio! as a reminder, this energy work integrates at 12 midnight your local time zone on april 26th and is active until 11:59 your local timezone on may 25, 2021. please sign up here to join may’s session! may’s integration period starts during an eclipse, if not an eclipse itself for some of you, so please be mindful of what work you’re doing and when. you can always take the month off if you’re fearful of harmful effects, as i don’t believe you should participate in energy work you’re fearful of. eclipses are energetically tricky, like you’re playing uno with them. you don’t want to get hit with that reverse card or a +4 when there are two cards in your hand and you’re about to win the game because all playable cards left are green. the important part of this sentence is that all playable cards left are green, and the external fears brought up were pointless, because you won the game. keep this in mind as the eclipse approaches as well.

modalities in this session include:
light body
akashic light
seed/flower/tree of life
dragon breath & energy

let’s talk about this full moon. sidereal libra, tropical scorpio. opposing the sun, sidereal aries and tropical taurus on the first day of integration for this mym period. taking a brief glance at transits for the 26th and 27th, the moon continues to move opposite mercury and venus. for some of you, the most effective days of this session are the first two days and what you decide to do with them. if you’re reading this late and think you missed your shot, fear not. foundationally speaking, what occurs over this time period is what you were working on six months ago (when the sun and moon were in opposite positions). intentions with this session always include opportunities for honest income with aligned work for you, along with things to help the communities you belong to. “when i rise, we all do” is a personal mantra of mine which i’m grateful for as it serves the root of why i do this. my aim with this work is to uplift and encourage you and the world around you energetically as we learn to support each other.

speaking of 6 month cycles, this is also the sixth month of consistently doing these sessions! thank you so much to all who have joined and find this beneficial enough to stay. seeing repeating names for these monthly group sessions brings me a lot of joy and i’m glad you find them as useful as i do. if you’ve been part of the group sessions this whole time, please reflect on what these do for you. there’s still a global health crisis going on, among other hardships we individually face. how have you, and more specifically your attitudes and beliefs, changed as the programmed energy works with you? how have you stayed the same? if you work to earn an income, are you happier with what you’re doing now, even if that role hasn’t changed? have you found yourself expressing gratitude more easily? or maybe your perception adapted to see the truth in marketing schemes and what to avoid for your sake. feel free to spend time with these questions or journal to reflect on how this session helps you. if you don’t like the answers, you’re always free to disengage!

since everyone involved is familiar with these sessions, you know the format. accessing the records to program the energy work, reiki beginning the session, traveling to each member of the group while maintaining energetic boundaries of all involved. light body work started up as reiki was winding down. light language was used to help enforce the energy work. dragons helped to clear residual energies. then traveling through the various “stages” of life with the light body. while still focusing on the individuals involved in the session, related communities & additional accounts were addressed, as always. safely returning and departing. there’s not much to report on in that sense. this session felt very much like a second part to march’s session and i recommend reading that month’s report here for more insight.

of course, you’re always encouraged to consult your records to see what applies for you with this session. some people only want the energy work because they believe in its intentions. others read the monthly reports as a way of expanding their understanding of the work, or just to know what i saw as a form of validation for themselves, which is fine too! i don’t dictate how you interact with these sessions and i’ll always be appreciative that you found this to be in alignment with your journey. i thank you deeply & profusely for choosing to work with me.

the next report will be more eventful. i’m told what needed to be communicated, is, so i’ll leave it at that.

thank you again for allowing me to do this session with you & i hope to see you again next month!

take care,

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