group report: mutual aid

hello & welcome! thanks to all who participated in this free session on may 11th. this was for anyone who needed a boost in financial assistance, as well as mutual aid funds in general that were aligned with causes that are beneficial and harmonious to who they serve and their external supporting communities. the session used a combination of reiki, light body, light language, dragon energy & breathwork, and akashic light with the akashic records. i appreciate all who participated as it helped much more than i can even begin to describe with this report. for those new to my work, or energy work in general, group sessions can be a really effective way to amplify intentions for all involved. meaning, by participating, you’re helping more than yourself, just as everyone who joined this session is. if you’re interested in continuing these types of sessions, i recommend signing up for my make your money themed monthly group session or finding a practitioner you trust that offers something like a reiki circle.

the group session was planned in conjunction with the akashic records to best utilize the energies surrounding the new moon exact. this also helped with protections for those who joined as an eclipse and mercury retrograde along with some other difficult-to-navigate events occurring as may finishes out and june approaches. please be mindful of what you do, who you’re around, what you’re thinking of, and where you’re “spending” your energy from now until september. it won’t take that long for this session to show its benefits in your life, but the bulk of the work will process by then.

the session started with grounding each person who joined. through this process, your energy was sealed off and protected from other people who participated as well as external energies better left outside of your energetic bodies for the time being. some people did not receive all of the modalities as some are more intense than others, but the energy work was distributed with reiki at the very least. once everyone was protected, we visited my akashic records office to program this energy work. here’s where i included intentions, such as increasing cash flow to fundraisers and bank accounts of all involved, aligning you with opportunities that could benefit you or help your security and safety, and extending the healing to surrounding communities that have members who support each other, whether it’s financial or otherwise. once the energy work was completely programmed, we moved to another space to conduct the rest of the healing.

when we got to this safe place, i began running reiki to all involved with the session. this helped relieve anxieties and stress within and around the physical bodies. leaks and cracks in the aura were sealed up as harmful energies were transmuted with the reiki. the reiki traveled from the head to below the feet before filling and expanding past all auric layers. reiki continued to strengthen the outermost auric layer to prevent cracking and leaks or other things that contribute to unhealthy energy dynamics. all energy addressed with the reiki was transmuted further with the help of dragons. those who didn’t want to move onto other modalities received the rest of the work through reiki by receiving the flow throughout the session. this flow will turn off when you allow it, but that’s that. the work from this session will last until you believe it won’t.

light body was used throughout the rest of the session. this provides a more in-depth healing to reiki, but it’s also more intense. through light body healing, the part of you known as the free soul is what participates in the work and integrates fully as it reconnects with you in your body, aka the true soul. here, the healing becomes more individualized for each participant as there are multiple factors that play a role. i can’t comment on everything that happens for all who were involved with this session because i simply don’t know. i always encourage further reflection with providing these sessions and you can ask questions you have about it for you with your akashic records keeper.

before closing the session, we used the light body to travel from the seed of life, through the flower of life, to the tree of life, and then the universal tree of life. this process intends to heal you starting at your primordial cells, which are the ones involved in an individual’s creation. the healing stretches across time and space as multiple moments or events in your life are addressed with further traveling. the flower of life was used to draw out harmful or dense energies, acting as a protective mesh for each energetic body. eventually, things that weren’t aligned with participants would bounce off of this flower of life shield and go elsewhere. others would be absorbed by the mesh itself. when connecting with the personal tree of life, some structures activated would help how one handles the different opportunities available for help, along with being able to discern what’s beneficial or risky. the individual tree of life also helped facilitate a connection to benevolent ancestors that are aligned with your path and can help provide additional guidance outside of using the akashic records.

we finished up at the universal tree of life, where everyone spoke to the tree to become better connected with the direction of their goals. this part of the session helped traction with gofundmes, boosting other payment accounts accepting donations, and reaching people who could provide assistance too. after everyone spent as much time as they needed, we sealed the work in once we returned to my office. here, we celebrated the session along with what’s to come. thank you for allowing me to do this with you & i hope you achieve whatever it is you set out for with this session! stay tuned & follow along for other free sessions or opportunities that could help you.

while this session was done for free, i’m grateful for any gift for its completion. here are links to paypal, venmo, and ko-fi if you’d like to support me as i continue recovering from top surgery. thanks again!

take care,

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