group healing session 3/18/20

note: the post below was originally written by mars for the now-defunct please keep in mind that some information may be outdated as this post remains unedited from its initial posting.

hello and welcome! this post is for those who joined the group reiki session today and want to know more about what i see on my end of things. i’ll just get into it since i don’t really know where to start. this session was something i considered putting off because the dense energy was getting to me beforehand but it’s my responsibility to clear it within myself and be here for all of you.

thank you again for participating and trusting me with this work. i know the times are tough right now and i hope everybody is safe and doing their part to look after themselves and their communities.

this session focused greatly on the heart with the color green showing up solid in my mind’s eye. the only other colors i saw during this session were the gold of the cords connecting and grounding each of us into earth and violet addressing multiple things throughout. i don’t consider white a color but i saw that as well around each individual.

when i do these sessions, it’s like i see the world as the globe it is, and y’all are brought up into earth’s atmosphere in a white bubble with the golden cord attached to earth wherever you were located at the time of the session. if dense energy wasn’t being pushed through the membrane of the white bubble as the reiki reaches you, it was going through the cord for earth to recycle on their own. as each chakra was addressed individually, so much gunk was traveling through the cord that it looked like it would get stuck because it wasn’t logically possible for it to pass, but after a moment it cleared out.

there was also the feeling of drowning. i don’t know if an individual in the group had a personal experience with drowning that was addressed with this session, but if there isn’t, it makes sense why it came up. when one drowns, the body knows to fight for survival until it realizes that likely, there isn’t a chance left. there’s desperation with every action made, looking for one that will provide the relief of breathing in air instead of water. this feeling is one we are collectively facing in the current state of the world as we don’t know what exactly we’re dealing with or how long it’ll last.

violet showed up to help transmute the dense energy. balls of violet started small in the heart center, expanding until it filled the white bubble, then extending out to cover earth below. as the heart and solar plexus chakras were worked on, waves of violet appeared in my vision, pulsing every fraction of a second. toward the end of the session, violet showed itself again in my mind’s eye, only this time in the form of a gryphon flying from left to right.

up until that moment, i hadn’t seen a gryphon in my work, whether it was personal or professional, so this was something special for me and i’m grateful for it. gryphons are a combination of an eagle and a lion, but that’s about as much as i know about them. i encourage you to do your own research on this creature if you feel called to (it’s what i’ll be doing after i’m done writing this), as well as further research on anything else mentioned here.

tips for chakra balancing: address your needs as you become aware of them. visualizing the gold cord mentioned earlier helps with grounding and anybody can do it as they learn to become more conscious of energy. ask for help if you need it and express love openly. when there’s something you know you have to do but don’t want to, do it anyway. research dialectical behavior therapy techniques (acting opposite, dear man, etc.) to see if any resonate with what you’re currently experiencing. do what brings you joy as long as it brings no harm to others. sleep and stay hydrated, especially in the days following the session as you adjust to the reiki, or rather, the reiki adjusts to you.

if you are interested in joining regular monthly group reiki sessions, i offer them on patreon for no more than $5. i offer individual reiki sessions here, with new sessions involving different modalities available in the next few weeks.

tips are never expected but always appreciated greatly. if you would like to tip me for any service, please use paypal, venmo, or cashapp.

thank you again, be safe and treat each other well. it was an honor conducting this session for all of you.

with love,

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