group healing session: money wounds & financial abundance

hey loves! thank you again for participating in this year’s money wounds & financial abundance group healing session on july 7th. this post is to cover what came up during the session, some intentions, and aftercare. this healing session used a combination of reiki and akashic light. reiki is universal life force energy & akashic light is from the heart center & can be used to access the akashic records, both activated in perfect alignment with the greatest and highest good of all involved.

the session has intentions to cultivate a divinely abundant mindset, repair your relationship with money & your ability to receive, remove blockages in opportunities for stable streams of income, and to be financially supported as you spend money in your community and work with earth’s resources. some bonus intentions include reiki sent to your bank account and all money you receive & spend as well. all group sessions include a chakra & auric cleansing & repairing as the energy integrates to be sealed in forever.

the energy work started as soon as i grounded with my intentions for the session itself. reiki was flowing throughout the entire written programming and akashic light joined as it activated when we were fully ready. i don’t remember having any difficulties aside from a physical distraction in my environment but that didn’t even break my concentration. if you heard a dog barking out of nowhere, that could be why lmao.

while i love all parts of the sessions i do, the fun comes in when the wheel spins and lands on the best astral office for me to complete the work at hand. this time we were in the akashic records! it was like this very fancy tea party but with masquerade clothing, each person dressed up as their ideal materialization. really it was just our higher selves basking in the akashic light and doing some of the most important parts of manifestation: acting as if we already have it and having fun while doing so. once i knew where everyone was at mentally, the rest of the session was a breeze! that doesn’t mean it wasn’t intense though lmao.

after the time in that setting was complete, we went to the outside of the earth. this is what i typically see in group sessions, each of your astral selves hovering around where you’re physically located at the time of session. here, the energy was directed to amplify each other’s healing as well as provide a transmutative violet flame around the earth. the flame hardened into a shell, becoming crystallized as a solid holographic shape similar to a sphere but with many edges, before becoming opaque and varying in visible strength before it cracked and rained a healing light onto the earth. at this point, the session started to close & all returned to their rightful being. i forgot to mentioned there were several points where everyone was just sort of dancing and bobbing around together it was so funny and everyone seemed to be having a good time!

some physical side effects you may experience can include dry mouth/increased thirst, aches similar to menstrual cramping, gastrointestinal aggravation, a light buzzing feeling or vibration, and a change in your sleep routine (amount/quality of sleep, dream activity, etc.). these things balance out as the work fully integrates and processes on a material level. please be mindful of any physical symptoms and see a medical professional if there is ever any cause for concern. to help your body process the energy work, get plenty of rest when you need it and do salt soaks with a bath or for your feet only. if you are safely able to expose your lower abdomen to sunlight, do so for a few minutes without judgment. thank your body for doing its job and anchoring you while you experience life as fully as you do.

stay safe & be well,

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