hello & welcome to the second post in the asking akashic series. we’re excited to continue on with the next article of this project and introduce a new one. for the month of october, we’ll be sharing a post each week on some more of the subtly fearful topics vulnerable […]
asking akashic
hello & welcome to the first entry in the asking akashic series. we’re excited to present this information to you, as the current weather calls for an associated report. to help with the effects and concerns raised with this piece, there’s a bonus light language digital art file included with […]
hello & welcome to the asking akashic index. this is the home of the akashic records channellings. current and future posts in this project are in no particular order and will be released randomly.posts available to access are clickable. general info can be found here. enjoy! i n d e x # […]
hello & welcome! thank you for reading about the asking akashic channelling series developed by myself (mars) and the akashic records. this page serves as general info on the project; an index of all scheduled posts can be found here. while scheduled, these posts are not on a fixed schedule and will […]