mym group report may 2021

hello & welcome! thank you for joining may’s make your money group session. a quick reminder that this energy work integrates at 12 midnight your local time zone on may 26th and is active until 11:59 your local timezone on june 25, 2021. please sign up here to join june’s session!

modalities in this session include:
light body
akashic light
seed/flower/tree of life
dragon breath & energy

this session went differently than the standard format in previous sessions. after grounding, protecting, and setting intentions for safety during the session, we were in my akashic records office. here, all of the personal records keepers for each member of the group were writing the session’s programming into your respective akashic records. to find out more specific information relevant to you about this session, i recommend meeting up with them and asking about the journey you experienced.

all of the records keepers got up and headed off in different directions to file. all participants of this session stood in a circle in my office, then a tunnel of the sacred reiki symbols appeared behind each person. before i knew it, everyone was going off in their tube, which extended behind them and appeared like the starry void. we were to meet at the universal tree of life at the end of our personal healing journeys to conclude the session.

the tunnels of energy each person traveled through was translucent enough with its borders to see different moments of time or specific thoughts or places in their body. it was highly individualized, which is why i recommend meeting with the records on your own to find out more information. these tunnels all connected to each other through the empty space in the circle, while also extending outward to each participant’s respective communities. this ensured that the energy was amplified while maintaining boundaries between each group member and all the other energies involved.

as everyone was in their tube, the records keepers from earlier re-appeared to untangle the equivalent of all the unused electronic cords nobody knows what to do with but aren’t necessarily needed. as these cords were all sorted, they were taken away if they were now obsolete, and repurposed if they could help process the energy work for internet/electronics addressed with the session. the unneeded cords were then burned with dragons aligned with the session, some other cords hanging off of their wings as they flew off so they could drop wherever they were headed as another way to help out.

after each of us talked with the universal tree and connected with our own personal tree of life, everyone held hands in another circle, with the tree centered between us. something about using the uncertainty of some energies as opportunities, to take the chance even if fear is present because fear would be the only thing holding you back at that point, popped into my head. each of us jumped up, then we used the universal tree as a slide back into my records office. i asked how we were all doing, if anything else needed to happen, and each person was covered in a different color of sap from the tree. this hardened as it integrated into your energetic bodies to distribute more fully, away from the session.

when we were still at the universal tree, i saw how each individual person’s journey with that reiki tube “brought back” a bunch of different types of coins or dollar bills that were dirty but cleansed upon redistribution. this went not only to each member of the group, but extending out to support aligned business or learning opportunities that cost money to participate in. some people appeared to be making more money with their paid work by the time june’s session is set to integrate. others had light language swirling around them that helped maintain the programmed energy work. another person had a tree close-by in their physical environment that would be beneficial exploring a working relationship with. aside from that, i have no other information to relay specifically.

once we were all back in my office, the energy work was sealed in. we said our goodbyes, and everyone was dropped back down to their physical existence. june 24th might be an important date for some. the first six days will be the bulk of processing the session, especially as you sleep or through dreams. drink plenty of water, be mindful of other energies occurring with what you have planned, and don’t be afraid to pause or change course momentarily. lots of seeds that were planted in the last 6 to 9 months (or longer) are breaking through the ground. keep nurturing yourself as some things take reconsideration and don’t be too hard on yourself. thanks for allowing me to do this with y’all and i hope to see you next month!

take care,

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