mym february 2021

hello & welcome! thanks for joining february’s make your money group session. as a reminder, this work integrates at 12 midnight your local time zone on february 26th and is active until 11:59 your local timezone on march 25, 2021. to make sure you don’t miss a month, sign up here for march’s session. this session used reiki, akashic light, light body, dragon energy, light language, seed of life, flower of life, and tree of life energies.

for this session we started in my akashic records office once we grounded to write the programmed energy work. when everyone read over the written words, we signed it with our akashic records keepers. those who had additional papers with the suggested exercise provided by the records *via twitter* before this session signed those as well, and the seed of life was projected off of the papers, into your energetic bodies to your hara center.

once everyone had their seed of life, we went to healing space. this seed acted as anchor for direction of hara line travel as each person went on their individual journey while the collective healing occurred. with each person stationed around the earth’s sphere, some were local to their residence, others in a foreign country, others fixed on leylines. each position around earth also corresponds to a place in space that makes each group member a bridge for healing in multitudes. it’s encouraged to consult your records if you have questions about this specific information as it varies from person to person.

a light being at least ten times the size of earth held a vacuum above us, ready to take up any removed energies as much is to be released before and while harmonious energy flows in. this being felt very andromedan. already, this vacuum was picking up some bugs that were flying around some energetic bodies along with other debris at the very external layers of associated auras.

reiki began surging at this point, starting above the aura and integrating down through the crown. at the throat chakra, business logos and any associated energy works related to them were cleared of foreign energy and boosted to aid in receptivity and honest representation. at the heart i just saw a bunch of screens that were varying in size and at different stages of light or partially blocked due to corrupt programming. energy was directed at these screens until each one was lit up with pixelated hearts. at the solar plexus, a bunch of dementor looking type of energy were revealed suddenly, all going up into the vacuum. masks removed from hooded figures before the hoods were removed, then the being entirely. massive amounts of dragons flying around to breathe fire on the ones who don’t seem to abide by gravity, or anti-gravity.

seeing the healing extend out across the universe, the awareness of support grew. clearing out what was needed to leave on the way down, the reiki reached the seed of life that everyone left my akashic office with to protect and highlight it. we then watched as this activated each individual’s personal tree of life (shown below) found within their hara line, rooted at the hara center near the sacral chakra energy point.


at the sacral, i was directed to put on dj akashic light and let it play for the duration of the session. another dance party! who knew. we all shook around, some as physical bodies, others with their light body to help the reiki complete before moving on solely with light body. moving from sacral to root chakra, light language was used to protect the perineum as an exit point for waste removal. i apologize for any gastrointestinal distress that may occur from this session. some phobic rhetoric and exposure/recognition of this addressed for removal as well. light language started as light body work was done individually. this light language was led by me and each person had a helper translate the light language into their energetic bodies for easiest receipt and integration of the intentioned energy flow. the light language was long and intense, involving the rewiring of some pathways in your energetic bodies. please be gentle with yourself as this integrates and things are made more apparent to you.

at this point, the hummingbird helper from previous healing sessions appeared again to harmonize space as light body healing took place. this is from its first appearance in the shaping up to the new year session on new year’s eve 2020: “all that came out of the flames was a hummingbird. a beautiful, cosmic, tiny tiny tiny bird with a holographic body and flowing wings. flapping away as source energy works through them, bringing the joy, love, happiness, and hope that is so needed throughout all of these different aspects of life.” doing the same thing as last time, this bird restored some of the energy that had been missing from previously corrupted sources.

we then traveled to the tree of life, each person using their personal tree rooted at the seed of life to connect with the universal tree. going off on your own, you went over what you had written on your papers. the session slowly started closing as we were at the tree, removing any ties from other healing subjects that joined this session outside of earth, sealing your energy and theirs off from each other to process separately. when it was time for everyone to drop back into my office, the tree of life acted as a slide, the hara line of the universe connecting with the hara line of yourself. once each group member returned, we closed all spaces and left the akashic records, thanking all beings involved with our healing before we separated, sealed off from one another and any other energy not of the self. placing you back to your earthly existence, we return home.

thank you again for allowing me to be part of this journey with you. the sweet spot for this integration period is 9 days and may affect your next menstrual cycle. drink plenty of water and rest when you need to. none of this report is intended or should be treated as medical advice, please seek professional help as soon as it’s needed.

a graphic that i provide in the sex cells retreat can be found below, detailing the tree of life within the light body system. to learn more about this, along with other things like the seed of life and flower of life or structures of the light body, please consider joining one of the rounds of my embodying light retreat, sex cells: create, destroy, preserve. all original information channeled by myself, this retreat is a weeklong light body intensive to learn and safely practice with the light body. sex cells focuses on sexual energies and how they’re utilized with different senses, psychic abilities, and energy work. all proceeds help fund my transition, which is medically necessary for my health. if you need to set up a payment plan, please email me for more info.
*sex cells is scheduled for march and april, with psychic light & shadow as a recommended as a pre-requisite offered in april. limited spots available for each retreat, with light body activation recommended beforehand, but not necessary.
*to honor the changes in these learning experiences, price changes have been made and a coupon is available for a limited time. take $50 off of an independent light body activation (course materials provided) to prepare for the retreats or $50 off of both retreats when you book together with code “EMBODY”. you can also get light body activated first then choose to reserve your spot or figure out a payment plan at a later time to take advantage of this code twice. reserve your spot for embodying light retreats directly here and book your light body activation here!

*all students of previous embodying light retreats may re-attend any retreat offered for free. please email me about this to get started!

tree of life in light body as highlighted by the green lines and purple circles as energy points. merkaba in lower right corner to provide perspective on light body shape as a whole.

i’m still raising money for my top surgery! listen to dj akashic light in this post or buy it here & stay tuned for the music & healing subscription announced march 1st 🙂

thank you!
take care,

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