mym january 2021

hello & welcome! thanks for joining january’s make your money group session. please keep in mind this session integrated at 12 midnight locally on january 26, 2021 and is effective until 11:59 pm your local timezone on february 25, 2021. sign up for next month’s session here.

modalities/methods/techniques used:
+ akashic light
+ reiki
+ light body
+ light language
+ flower of life
+ tree of life
+ dragon energy & breathwork

we started off in my akashic office as i read over the programmed intentions for the whole group. everyone agreed to what was written, signed off, and we joined hands as we traveled to wherever the akashic would take us for this session. as soon as i saw the hands join, a globe popped up in between us and spun quickly before stopping abruptly. before i knew it, we all went into the globe to the black sea. but not in the waters, to the core of the earth.

with the light at the earth’s core, everyone grounded themselves extra tight before we started with reiki. we stayed close to this layer as the reiki flowed through each of our bodies, everything removed heading straight into the light ball of the core between us. at the throat, i saw one slit as it released another form of energy to be transmuted with the core. dark clouds escaped the open neck, showing how influence fogs up clarity in other ways than typically discussed with energy work. reiki flowed through the rest of the body after it stitched up the wound in the neck as if nothing had happened at all.

as the reiki finished up, everyone shot up into the water of the black sea. we were about 15-20 feet below the surface, maintaining the circle formation but with arms out to support the individual as we bobbed in the water. light body healing was done as the bodies relaxed, the flower of life utilized to protect everyone from what was extracted to be reworked by the water. all densities from the bodies left as glittering light, flowing away through the rest of the water. light language was done at this point, helping further extract energies that were hiding or tough to retrieve to remove. the accounts associated with each person also showed up to be cleansed, rinsing through a few waves before disappearing or showing some tangled wires straightened out. we each went up to the surface, seeing how rough the waves were. a huge creature emerged from the water as well, using its body to crash on top of the water as we swam back down. the thrash from the impact continued to carry away all the energy removed with this portion of the session.

we swam to a cove underwater that acted as a portal to the universal tree. each person found a place that made them comfortable to talk to the tree. some people were going over what they’ve talked about in the previous session. others were seeing the healing extending out from them into their local and otherwise-individually-defined communities, amazed at how far it stretched. some people talked about different options they had, seeing how they’d play out before finally deciding on a path. as much time as needed was spent at the tree, with everyone returning to the records at their own pace. each person had a dragon companion that led them back, blowing flames for a final burn of residual energies and to seal the work in.

i was the last one back in the records as everyone else waited in my office. once i returned and closed the session, each person dropped down from the records as they stepped over an edge and returned fully to their bodies. there’s a 3-7 day integration period for this round. drink plenty of water, get rest, use the energy of the full moon on january 28th reflecting back the energy of the sun and jupiter around 1-2pm eastern time. maybe see what mars is doing in & with your chart too as it squares all the previously mentioned bodies. conflict is exposed to work through, not submit to. keep your chin up and honor yourself fully. spend time with those you respect and who respect you as well. it makes a world of a difference when you’re around those who share their own light and reflect others’ back to them. other than that take care and be gentle with yourself! please remember none of this is intended or should be taken as medical advice and if you need help, seek professional medical attention or emergency services.

hope to see you next month 🙂


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