shaping up to the new year

hello & welcome! thank you for joining me in the last group session of 2020. i’m so excited to share what happened because this healing was so powerful. grab a snack, get comfortable, and allow yourself to feel what you read. take all the time and space you need.

to start off with the session after initial grounding & sweeping, i saw all of us together with heart pillars activating, creating a rumble in the ground and what felt like an earthquake or earth shifting. then i saw each person on a star/its planet all across the universe, all moving toward each other then rippling back out like a blanket was being folded or shaken out. within the blanket was a flame, being aired to grow between us and encompass the space around.

a flame was ignited in the bellies of each group member, acting as the transmutation for energy of the self while working on a global and universal scale simultaneously. as the fires grew, i saw imprints of faces crying, screaming, bodies contorted from pain and hurt, until the fire covered one’s entire bodies. slowly, kind of choppily, with some steps taken back after ones went forward, these imprints changed into dynamic visuals of processing, some taking their phones or electronics to have the healing reach there, while removing the physical weight through deleting contacts or photos. one person kicked over some barrel and the fire spread out to their local communities, then everyone saw this happen, looked at each other, and nodded. each person found their own barrel or a similar container that held the life force fuel, pushing it outward so it would continue spreading the transmutative powers of the holy flame.

in a synchronized movement, each group member reached their arms straight above their head to extend to their divine team of benevolent beings and any of their ancestors open to receiving the healing. arms stretched toward each other in the group, aiding the flame growing in the fabric. everything was on fire. presences being known. all that came out of the flames was a hummingbird. a beautiful, cosmic, tiny tiny tiny bird with a holographic body and flowing wings. flapping away as source energy works through them, bringing the joy, love, happiness, and hope that is so needed throughout all of these different aspects of life. i’m gonna try drawing this one because its medicine is so strong and i’m grateful to see it and i want to share that with everyone else too.

the lil bird spent its time swirling around each group member, carrying a sprig of common holly with its beak, acting as a broom to sweep in the magnificent energy it shares and gives so freely. light language vibrated in each participant’s energetic bodies to aid with the healing the bird brought forth. once the rounds were made, the hummingbird went back into the flame, before it all disappeared and we were back in my akashic records office. some faces were crying, i know i definitely was, everyone hugging each other because no one expected the “odd” sense of peace and relief after processing all of the hurt. i’m a little blown away myself.

each person was returned to their rightful spot, left to process everything in the session or act on insight that comes as a result. nurture yourself, give yourself plenty of space, meet yourself with love. thank you so much for joining me today and allowing this healing into your life. wishing all a happy and healthy new year.

take care,

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