psychic light & shadow: activating the clair centers; an embodying light retreat

last edited february 26, 2021.
hello & welcome! here’s all the info you need to know about the psychic light & shadow retreat. i’m back with updated information and a new format of learning. please keep reading for any changes & to have knowledgeable consent before reserving your spot!

$50 off both embodying light retreats when reserved together or $50 off a light body activation with code “EMBODY” for a limited time. please email to set up a payment plan. it’s recommended to be light body activated & process that integration, but not necessary for participation.

previous retreats:
september 14 – 18, 2020
october 12 – 16, 2020

upcoming retreats:
april 5 – 9, 2021; live @ 12 pm central
april 12 – 16, 2021; live @ 4 pm central

this first embodying light retreat is all about the psychic senses and shadow integration. this 5-day virtual retreat focuses on each psychic sense, or clair-ability, as it’s taught with the corresponding light body layers. each psychic center activated in this retreat is done so safely and in alignment with your greatest and highest good. every day we’ll cover a different clair-ability along with how to tell whether it’s unbalanced or working with you in harmony. information covered may be triggering but all content will have a warning beforehand. this retreat is heavily based on addressing and transmuting your shadow with the light body.

each day starts with reading materials on the day’s topic. at the designated time, a live is conducted on a clubhouse chatroom for all participants. during this live, i’ll lead a demonstration in the akashic records with our light bodies. please be available for these as they will not be saved, but participants are free to record and have the chance to speak about their experiences and ask questions about the reading. these lives are planned to be an hour long, but actual time may vary depending on the group’s progress. 

retreat price varies depending on whether you’re already light body activated. i confirm all activations with the akashic records and will cancel your spot if there’s dishonesty. for those needing an activation, they are done on the first day of the retreat in the hours before the live. a deposit of 50% is required to reserve your spot and the full amount must be paid by the first day of the retreat. please email me for any questions. 
retreat only: $155
retreat & activation: $266

sign up for the psychic light & shadow embodying light retreat here!
click here to find out more info on the sex cells: create, destroy, preserve.

retreat schedule


light body activations & opening water ritual
materials needed: two unmarked glasses or vessels for water, drinking water and water to include in a bath, natural salt (not table salt) OR a safe herbal substitute for earth, all mirrors in your place of residence which you access or a map drawn with their location.


physical layers of the light body & claircognizance
discussion & demo: soul mastery recall 


emotional layers of the light body & clairaudience
discussion & demo: higher self embodiment


mental layers of the light body & clairvoyance
discussion & demo: clarity in perception


spiritual layers of the light body & clairsentience 
discussion & demo: holy flame & bonus retrieval 

disclaimer: by participating in this retreat, you are subjecting yourself to rapid growth and release. you cannot spiritually bypass or otherwise avoid the work you need to do yourself. this retreat is a course for those committed and dedicated to their growth and learning of the self. mars is a shamanic practitioner who utilizes the light body through teaching of his noaide ancestors. this is not intended to be interpreted as or replace medical advice, please consult a professional as soon as you need to.

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