group healing session: financial abundance & money wounds august 2020

hello & welcome!

thank you for joining us in the second part of 2020’s financial abundance & money wounds group healing session on august 18th. these sessions are some of my favorite to do because results are either immediate or life-changing for those open to receiving the energy. this one was a little different than past group sessions i’ve held because a combination of reiki, akashic light, and light body healing were used. this was really exciting for me to see and be a part of, and as always i’m grateful that you allow me to be part of your journey. the energy works with and for you as long as you believe in it, so please keep that in mind if you’re experiencing any frustration with shortcomings of expectations. this session wasn’t to get you to manifest that $10,000 you’re wanting instantly, but to make space for you to receive that money in beneficial and harmonious ways that bring harm to none. there’s a difference between drawing on universal energy to assist you and drawing on human energy to exploit, and it is one i rarely see addressed but it’s important to keep in mind. to put it clearly, this session utilized universal energy to activate your own energetic bodies while keeping yourself separate from other group members yet still amplifying each other’s goals and that of the session.

it is a new moon in leo at the time of this writing & posting, so space was left within your integration of the energy to include your own intentions either in ritual or with the healing session itself. once you read the report, you can decide how to carry on knowing you can allow yourself to build off of this starting point. i believe in creating solid foundations with energy work and doing so by focusing on the lower chakras for the bulk of group or individual sessions. the work with the lower chakras is then bridged with the heart chakra to create a harmonious flow with a subtle system of energetic removal & transmutation through the grounding chakra while inviting in beneficial and harmonious energy through the higher chakras. for those unfamiliar, i consider the lower chakras the grounding (below feet), root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras, the heart chakra to be a connecting center in your own energetic bodies, and the higher chakras as the throat, brow (separate from the third eye itself), crown, and further up that i consider more advanced in energy healing. i still use those higher chakras in most sessions if i feel it is safe for the client to experience and in this session those effects will vary from person to person as their energy can handle it.

along with the leo new moon, another energy present with the session is the king of wands from tarot. for those who don’t know or don’t want to research, the king of wands is a strong energy in the fire suit of this divinatory language. associated with creativity, spirit, and intuition, the king swiftly acts from a place of sexual energy: if the womb is a void, this is the act of impregnation. i don’t like gendered language when it comes to most things, let alone energy, so it is important to note this impregnation is an act of the self! this is conscious decision and behavior made after consideration with an initial spark. take the weird stuff out of it and let yourself enjoy the energy and that this is coming from you allowing it. some of the blockages removed had to do with resistance in allowing opportunities to fully reach you because you didn’t have the space for it before.

with the light body part of the healing, massive amounts of energy were transmuted on an individual and communal scale. at this point, i saw each person’s light body hovering above a point on the globe. there was a lot a lot a lot of energy to clear from the grounding chakras that was preventing energy that didn’t belong to you from leaving your space. with clearing the grounding chakra, i saw the surrounding environment light up as well which indicates the healing energy extending to your external surroundings and community. once the grounding chakras were cleared with the light body, a violet flame started in each of the root chakras. the violet flame used in my healing sessions is one of divine fire with intentions to transmute foreign energies so they can be recycled by the universe in perfect alignment with the greatest and highest good of all involved.

as this flame grew from the root to extend out down the legs and up toward the sacral chakra, i heard the word “uncertainty,” which just means it’s a theme to come up with the session. the flame continued to grow until it covered the whole light body and then covered the globe between everybody. in this process, the sacral chakra was cleared out to make the space for what you’re to receive as a result of this session. you may experience some cramping in your lower abdomen or a change in menstrual cycle as this energy works through your system. if you notice anything outside of temporary symptoms, please consult a doctor as i am not qualified to offer medical advice and neither this report nor the session itself are intended to be such.

once the sacral chakra was cleared, the light body continued working as i noticed some other things to mention in the report. the first is that everyone’s light body is temporarily activated to carry out the healing session as it sees fit. this should not take longer than two weeks for the energy to fully integrate with your energetic fields. reiki was sent to the bank accounts and other financial accounts of group members to help with the flow of cash & support the spending of money within the individual’s community to create sustainability. the topic of dependence was also brought up and the difference between codependence and interdependence. with interdependence, one’s individuality and autonomy is respected, while there is a merging of energies with codependence. this session helped amplify interdependence between you and others while minimizing and removing codependent energy that could have prevented you from maintaining a feeling of satisfaction in your life or clarity in your actions regarding opportunity.

another note is to keep your energy preserved over the next two weeks. work in your projects, put yourself out there if you need to, but recognize what is worth your time and effort and what is not. there might be aggravation for some of you when it comes to relating to others — people might think you changed or you’re looking at them funny, they might be resistant to the work you’ve received and want to take your attention away from it, whatever it is and however it shows up, do your best to ignore it unless you’re directly in harm’s way then do what you can to get help. there will definitely be more temptation to pick fights or argue back with someone who’s wrong, especially in from a moralistic standpoint, but just be mindful of where you find you’re spending your energy is all i’ll say. it’s important to redirect your focus to you, what you have ahead of you, and where you are presently. you can only take things a day at a time, and your healing journey is no different. all the programmed energy with this session is sealed in and integrates when it’s easiest for you, which could have happened by the time you read this.

because other modalities are included, there’s a variety of difference effects that may happen on a physical level or otherwise, and if there’s any overwhelm to your system please be gentle with yourself and take a salt bath or soak your feet or spend time outside if it’s safe for you to do so. please refrain from participating in another healing session from a different practitioner for two weeks and ask me if you have any questions. i can only be accountable for the work i do as i program it, not the effect it has once it leaves my hands: this is true for all practitioners. the individual receiving the energy must know what they’re getting into before it could ever start to “work” for them which is why i maintain that it’s within the individual’s power to allow all of this to happen.

thank you again for participating and feel free to let me know how this has worked for you.

take care,

tl;dr: the session was on creating & cultivating an abundant mindset while healing wounds that prevented opportunities from reaching us and feeling confident with our creative spaces and inviting beneficial and harmonious energy into our fields. bonus intentions for bank accounts to help with cash flow.

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