root chakra codes: light language group healing painting report

thank you for your interest in the chakra codes group light language paintings! this dynamic energy work is dependent on the group’s energy & associated light language with intentions of the individual. in other words, it’s channeled to work fully & completely for people who pay to receive those benefits. there is still some work for the people who view it as that’s how the energy is programmed but if you try to use it with intentions without paying for it or otherwise incorrectly attempt to manipulate the energy, i’m not responsible for what happens to you! the integrity of my work is protected and done in perfect alignment with the greatest and highest good of all involved.

this week the root chakra was addressed. the root chakra is commonly what people try to use to ground themselves, which might work for some or in the short-term, but more often than not ends up blocking the flow to your grounding chakra below your feet. energy clears naturally through your feet for various reasons and one of the quickest ways to ground yourself is by walking barefoot on earth. not everyone has mobility in their legs or those limbs to begin with, but they do have those grounding chakras because your aura, while dependent on the physical body, is complete regardless of how you view yourself or physically deviate from the “norm.” this is partially why phantom limbs exist as a phenomenon: your energetic field or aura is intact regardless of your physical or material state.

most of the time, i’ll intentionally ground with the grounding chakra or the root through the grounding chakra (hard to explain) because i see the root, sacral, and solar plexus wanting to merge into a super center, or at least work thoroughly together to open up the heart chakra and further develop the higher chakras. of course, it’s still important for chakras to have their own qualities of functionality and development, and there’s further distinguishing of energetic bodies with the hara line and meridians, but you can learn more about that with my light body and reiki courses. they all work together as part of you anyway, it’s just a matter of how specific one wants to get in their development.

this painting channeled light language to activate the root chakras of those who view it. as stated earlier, all who pay to be part of the group receive the full energy work associated with the painting. light language works with the dynamic energy of the group to clear, transmute, repair, and strengthen each individual chakra permanently forever. you should still do energetic maintenance of your own but this makes it easier moving forward and provides more of a benefit for group members once a painting is complete.

this was the first group healing of this kind i’ve done under guidance of the akashic records and this report is written with such as well. the painting took 1.5 hours to channel and i’ve been processing and noticing my own integration of the work over the last day or so it’s taken me to write this since the painting was complete.

by tuning into the energy of the piece, either by viewing it or with intention or however you decide to use it, you will feel vibrations or a pulsing around your body. this indicates the light language is activating your root chakra and integrating the necessary energy work for your bodies. other possible physical effects may temporarily include tightness or pressure in your chest, buzzing around your head, or expansion in the area of your chakra as it’s recalibrated. these effects are stronger on the day the painting is completed & viewed. because the work is permanently sealed into your energy, the physical effects will weaken as this further integrates and your journey continues. you can always experience a “boost” of the energy work as you further engage with it and is timeless with activations intended forever. please use common sense if these symptoms are prolonged or with other symptoms not mentioned as you may be experiencing a medical emergency. another reminder that this is not intended as a replacement for medical treatment. please seek professional help when you need it.

all who pay to further receive the benefits of the chakra codes have the ability to program their “copy” with their individual intentions. some intentions recommended per the akashic records are as follows:

  • “i am safe in my body and feel secure in my environment.”
  • “my body belongs to me and i have the power to wield myself.”
  • “my body is my divine vessel and i treat myself as such.”
  • “i trust the messages my body communicates to me.”
  • “i allow all foreign energy in my field to be recycled in perfect alignment with the universe’s will.”
  • “i take care of myself before i take care of others.”
  • “the wounds and limitations of my physical body are transmuted into energy i can appropriately utilize.”
  • “i am only in control of and possess myself.”
  • make sure you include your version of a clause like “in perfect alignment with the greatest and highest good of all involved.”

if you decide to participate with this group, you may join at any time. if there is interest, individual paintings will be available as prints for you to own as well as additional groups for new sets of paintings as i am further trusted with greater responsibility and skill. intentions of the painting are amplified by each member of the group and with each viewing or engagement with it. there is absolutely no way this work can harm you. 

to receive the full benefits of the root chakra codes light language group healing painting and report, please send $3.33 usd to one of my tip jars (paypal/venmo/cashapp: seasspeak) with “root” in the note and email me to receive the image file without the watermark. to receive the benefits of all 8 chakra and auric bodies paintings, please send $20.20 usd and email your receipt to to confirm your placement. if you would like to try the root before committing to the rest of the series, you can send the rest of the payment ($16.87 usd) at any time and send an email with your receipt to confirm your placement. all image files and reports are sent to the email address provided with confirmation. this is the only report made publicly available to let others know the process and what it would look like by participating. exclusive reports will be more in depth and completed same day of painting sessions, both emailed directly to you.

click here book an individual healing session or light body activation and request your own personalized light language activated art commission here.

thanks again and hope to see you saturday for the sacral chakra! please read the chakra codes light language page for additional details and the rest of the schedule.

take care,

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