the second episode dedicated to trauma covers post-traumatic stress disorder & complex-post traumatic stress disorder.
Monthly Archives: March 2022
next up on manifestations is the first of four episodes dedicated to the topic of trauma with general and generational trauma. find out what trauma looks like in the energetic body and why spiritual practices run the risk of re-traumatizing all involved. are you trauma-informed or practicing something you shouldn't […]
episode 9 is about investment in spiritual and energy work. covered in this episode are types of investments, examples of them, and why your spiritual practitioner might not be invested in your greatest and highest good :O whether it's tarot, the akashic records, reiki, or psychic-mediumship that you prefer, listen […]
episode 8 is a quick one on resistance, who's at fault when blockages are created, and what factors are involved in the inability to progress.
episode 7 is all about cording, how cords are formed, and what you can do to safely and effectively remove them.