asking akashic #22: vampirism

hello & welcome to the second post in the asking akashic series. we’re excited to continue on with the next article of this project and introduce a new one. for the month of october, we’ll be sharing a post each week on some more of the subtly fearful topics vulnerable in spirituality and spiritual spaces. to help with the effects and concerns raised with this piece, there’s a bonus light language digital art file included only with download on ko-fi and nowhere else. this art is activated to help one reclaim their energy across all time, space, dimensions, continuums, planes, cycles, and karmic loops; from energetic spaces and to plug up energetic leaks and unhealthy cords while refocusing on the self.

before we fully dive in, there are a few things that we’d like to clarify. all of this information is provided as channeled by mars with the akashic records. through a series of questions and prompts, the information was received and then translated into this article. while mars works to remove bias from this content, it’s still important to point out that personal experiences and observations are included as anecdotal evidence. this series does not aim to name any names, but to explain behaviors exhibited over an extended period of time. primary sources are assessed as well as cross referencing with the akashic records for collective or public displays for examples.

a general content/trigger warning is provided for the post as there are mentions of abuse or material that may be sensitive topics for some. it’s also possible people reading will start to be more aware of the explained dynamics in their life, which it’s recommended to discuss with someone like a professional therapist. please take your time reading this and be in a safe space where you’re comfortable. some sentence structures may be awkward based on the vocabulary used to be more gender-inclusive when referencing dynamics.

disclaimer: none of the information is intended to replace professional medical or legal advice. this was written for entertainment purposes only and may not be replicated or duplicated without explicit written permission from mars, which can be obtained by emailing him directly.

if you’d like to support mars by tipping him for channeling & writing this article, please do so on

asking akashic presents entry #22: vampirism

no, we’re not talking about the undead who sparkle in light or the people who have clinical vampirism or abide by cultural “norms” set forth by pop culture or historical fiction. we’re addressing vampirism on an energetic and spiritual level, how emotions can be siphoned, and the cost of taking what isn’t yours. this article takes a look at the painfully human side of things, as well as coping with the fear that comes along with embodiment living authentically. vampires, in this article, are a drain on life force energy. please keep in mind that this is speaking from a spiritual/energetic perspective as provided with the akashic records.

vampirism is the act of redirecting the energy of an external body, field, or space, to another for the benefit of whoever is causing this redirection. vampirism can be a conscious, subconscious, or unconscious behavior that one engages with as the feeder or the food. the feeder is a person or entity which takes from others for their own consumption. this consumption is considered to be beneficial, and these benefits may be real or perceived, actualized on the physical plane or purely within one’s ego. feeders have the ability to be humans, dead spirits, spirits who were never living, trickster entities, energy you come across on the astral, and may not always be clearly identified. the food is a person, event, place, or thing that the feeder can use as an energy source for themselves. the feeder is the consumer, the food is the consumed. not all who vampirize are human to begin with, which is partially what we’re trying to provide some more insight on.

if we look at humorism, the way-outdated theory in medicine that describes chemical systems regulating human behavior and corresponding with temperaments, blood is associated with livelihood. it was believed to be solely produced by the liver, the body part which is said to control the whole body in certain medical and spiritual systems, even moreso than the brain. while we now have a better understanding of health and disease than the humoral theory provides, such as blood cells being made from bone marrow, blood is vitality. it’s part of a source energy, one of our own, which pumps throughout our whole bodies to support our living. blood carries messages, it fulfills multiple roles of existence, and it can only ever be as alive as its hosting body is. sure, some dead blood can be floating around your body, and it takes anywhere from 1 to 120 days to “renew” within itself depending on the structure, but it still does the thing, and wouldn’t do the thing without it. “the thing” being the act of keeping a body alive through nourishment, regulation, and momentum. without blood, without a life force flowing, there is death.

are the vampirizing energies dead? some are, but some may not have lived at all. the ones who have lived a life and passed can be spirits, residual energy from emotional imprints, your own ancestors, ancestors of someone you or someone in your bloodline have wronged, or other beings who experienced the creation and birth and then cease in that creation. the ones who have not lived at all can be trickier to find information on or even begin to understand. there are so many different vampirizing energies that can be defined and categorized endlessly. ones that are more prevalent to humans include astral entities such as a blob of dark matter which can teleport or transport between different dimensions and feed on one’s life force when they’re in dreamstates, trickster spirits who lie and instill fear as it’s energy they can consume, energy which follows an individual home from astral travel, and a collective web of false white light which is plugged into people who don’t have appropriate energetic hygiene or boundaries to provide them with misinformation guised as divine messages. other vampirizing energies that were technically “never living” can also be a job you hate, thoughtforms, events like a concert or sports game, and human-made systems unsupportive to public health.

so what about the living who vampirize? buckle in, because we’re in for a ride. let’s start with some empathy. not all who vampirize do so intentionally. they can believe they’re making the right choices for themselves and others, but even the best intentions can be met with some bullshit. one way this shows up currently within the collective is with the misconception of energy work, more specifically reiki. there is a rather dangerous belief being spread, and even worse, taught in classes to students relied on carrying out the traditional structure defined by usui reiki. this is the belief that you’re sending reiki to another being when you’re facilitating reiki. sending reiki to another would involve using your own life force energy in some way, detaching it from yourself, and giving it to the recipient. this is not how reiki is done; what was just described allows the recipient to vampirize the practitioner and practicing this way can put both the practitioner and recipient at risk because of it. if you’d like to learn how to practice reiki correctly, mars offers all usui reiki attunements and corresponding courses with materials that can be completed independently or with his coaching.

ultimately, people who vampirize energy may feel like they don’t have another choice. this can be so inherent to their being that it comes naturally. think of pregnancy: technically speaking, this is a parasitic, long-term siphoning event for whoever’s experiencing the pregnancy. a developing fetus is seen as a foreign energy to the pregnant body, altering all of the body’s order, rhythm, and function. this behavior continues past birth, where now the pregnant body is (typically) the host of nourishment, care, and development for the baby. parenting is a selfless act, a sacrifice, yet isn’t seen as the vampirizing situation it realistically is. usually, this is because vampirism involves the lack of benefit or energetic exchange for transferring this life source, and in the creation and continued sustenance of the baby, the parent is rewarded either with chemical reactions or bonding with the baby to strengthen their relationship to be mutually beneficial. of course, not all parenting situations are like this and it would be ignorant to avoid that some parents do see it in the terms defined above. not everyone wants to carry a pregnancy to term and they should be allowed to make that decision safely. pregnancy is not a gift to all who experience it and can cost the pregnant body its life. removing shame from these feelings helps those who have gone through it start to heal that aspect of it.

back to choice:  it’s important to recognize that a vampiric dynamic can be enforced consciously, subconsciously, or unconsciously. conscious enforcement takes the feeder who is aware of the effect they have on others, while subconscious enforcement can look like this kind of dynamic being part of the feeder’s personality or inherent to its structure, and unconscious enforcement can look like lack of boundaries or dream work. for the food, conscious enforcement can look like ignoring one’s instincts or doubts and continuing to participate in something they didn’t want to or agree with initially. subconscious enforcement for the food can look like being part of an abusive dynamic as a victim, which would make it harder to discern draining situations or people. unconscious enforcement can happen in the forms of assault from the feeder, whether this is physical, mental, or emotional. energetic enmeshment and lack of clear boundaries or hygienic routine can all be examples of factors involving conscious, subconscious, and unconscious enforcements. this can range from anything like codependency, substance abuse and dependency, cult dynamics within religious practices, relational abuse, groupthink, and encouraging states of dissociation, depersonalization, or outrage.

others like the fear response it brings in the food or enjoy the lack of control the food may have in that situation. the vampirizing nature the feeder is conceived with never fades away or transmutes into love and compassion and care for others. some would say that this could have to do with lack of soul, which is why the feeder would be motivated to feed in the first place: the food has something the feeder doesn’t. it’s advised to be cautious when others are talking about who does and doesn’t have a soul, what the soulless look or act like, and how it ascribes to harmful or abusive religious teachings they internalized as beliefs. plenty of people allow their bias to shine through with their definition of a soul and who contains them, most often perpetuating racism, sexism, ableism, queerphobia, and classism in doing so. the response to these ignorant definitions can also be considered the effect of vampirism, as the reactions can lead the feeders to a meal. moral superiority, maintaining the belief you’re living a better life than or entitled to be treated like royalty by others, and exploitation of people as workers and resources are all a special form of vampirizing which keep general populations subdued. any type of fighting against this kind of vampirism has historically been met with false hope, little-to-no progress in finding and implementing a solution, or lawsuits and contracts regarding cover-ups and silence. this isn’t to discourage anyone from trying to make things better or form community, but rather to be aware that some people genuinely don’t care about others and that apathy leads to more effective vampirism.

in practicing vampirism, cording can be created and strengthened between the feeder and the food. cording is when lines are created between two (or more) energetic bodies. this typically involves moving energy between the connected bodies and one side can influence the other if their willpower is stronger. multiple cords can be built between the same two bodies, either making the cord itself stronger with encouraging energy to flow between the two, or multiple cords rooted in different energetic points and areas of both bodies, depending on how deep the connection is or what kind of energy is channeled with this cording. cords are difficult energy to remove from an individual because it involves the willpower of two separate bodies, some will overpowers others, while sometimes both sides agree to this initially. you’re always allowed to change your mind and your body always knows when you’ve been violated, even if it’s not consciously known to you.

at times, these cords can be detrimental to one’s health and act as an energy leak. one who is affected by vampirizing cords may experience symptoms such as unexpected bouts of fatigue, a sudden change in thoughts/ideas/beliefs/actions/expression that weren’t historically present or consistent with the individual, feeling anger/sadness/some other consuming emotion without understanding the root which causes further frustration and perpetuates this discontent state, or other behaviors that are typically associated with the fearful accusation of demonic possession. being on the receiving end of vampirizing cords can look like different mental health conditions, such as dissociation, depersonalization, obsession, compulsion, anxiety, and depression, among others. please seek professional help if you experience any of these things as it can be speaking to a medical issue which needs treatment. to help protect against different vampirizing cording and to learn how to remove it from your space, please refer to the exercises at the end of this article.

events referred to as humiliation rituals are what some celebrities are said to be responsible for before a major event or project in their career. people use lizzo and lil nas x as examples, as well as kanye and kim k. we’re sure anyone who keeps up with pop culture even a little bit can think of events relating to each person mentioned, which resulted in some sort of embarrassment for every one involved in each respective event. lizzo is constantly under fire for things relating to her health and projections from fatphobia, lil nas x takes the opportunity to turn the tables and troll queerphobic and racist audiences, and kimye are the center of an absolute saga that scoops brains out of skulls when trying to keep track of everything. and each of these things happen right before an award is won, a magazine cover is released, a business project is announced, or some other career move is made. people claim that emotions and attachment to these events are used and manipulated by the celebrity for their own success, done so in some magical ritual, and maybe they even sold their soul to satan. this success can also just be the result of marketing, targeting demographics, appealing to fanbases and audiences, and/or massive amounts of talent, effort, and aligned opportunities falling into place.

if you’re wondering, okay, this seems to be a lot, what wouldn’t be vampirism then? the important thing to consider is how the energy is interacted with versus who or what it was intended for. it involves the act of siphoning, which is drawing energy from one place to redirect to another with a little bit of force, or consistently over time. feeders in vampirism only take, they don’t give back. don’t be fooled by charitable efforts, as this can be vampirizing of the emotions or public response as an audience. one should only give freely because they feel it is right for them, not because it’s tax write-off or promotional business post. exercising discernment can be difficult in vampirizing situations and even actively prevented by others in some cases. feeders are more likely to take advantage of the food’s emotional state, secrets they were trusted with, or favors they did expecting payback in return. feeling calm and grounded around someone means it’s very likely they’re not vampirizing you. bouncing between a sense of calm, or feeling the need to force it because of some other underlying anxiety that won’t go away, can mean you’re around or involved in a vampirizing dynamic. try to listen to your own body and only receive information from your higher self so nothing else influences your perception, like the feeder would be trying to do to allow the vampirizing to occur more easily.

what about when people need support or the general understanding that relationships aren’t always an equal energy exchange? this is where concepts of community come in, as the community serves itself for better chances of collective survival. this is seen all across the world, in different animals and species of living beings, coming together because it’s better than faring off alone. this is very explicit in humans and their social structures, going so far as cutting off potential community members to remain clung like plastic wrap around their morals. humans are the only animal to impede on their own evolution because they think “bird-brained” is an insult.  closing communities off to outsiders is a protective act against vampirism or an effort to keep it contained within the closed community. keeping the vampirism within the community would look like commune cults practicing benevolent sexism or mystic schools which teach individuals they’re a deity and preaches the enmeshment of unity consciousness rather than true embodiment of the soul. closed communities as a protective act against vampirism can include culturally specific spiritual practices or schools of energy work that allow practice through remaining respectful and experiencing various initiations and teachings, like usui reiki.

when practices, especially spiritual ones belonging to specific cultures, are closed as a protective effort against vampirism, this means only people within the bloodline are entitled to its community. this can make the practice more appealing to outsiders or external forces, allowing their self-inflation or heightened sense of importance to override intuition or instinct to stay away. some people outside the practice may even be tested to stay away from the closed community, suffering consequences when they ignore warnings of unwelcoming. those within the practice remain respectful of it and honor their practices in ways that cannot be understood to an outsider, even though there may be common elements between spiritual concepts or rituals. even people within the bloodline can be outcast from their own practices for being disrespectful or sharing what they were advised not to. as a rule of thumb, regardless of what you’ve been taught by others outside of a practice, do not think you can approach a closed practice and be welcomed into it with open arms. you’re not above anyone in that practice, you’re not above spirits working within that practice, and you’re not a dictatorial god with supreme power over this practice now. anyone attempting to practice a closed system is vampirizing the energy of the bloodline to which it’s a part of and dividing the self further from its truth. if you happen to be one of these people and truly didn’t know better, consider what changes need to be made to your practice to remain respectful and sincerely apologize now that you know. a lot of forgiveness only works when it’s a release for yourself, which includes pasts that are impossible to change.

we know vampirism is draining, but how? some of the most impactful vampirizing happens through influencing and exploiting thoughts or emotions, and the two are often manipulated together. vampirizing thoughts is a conditioning of one to betray the self through a continual breakdown. this breakdown and betrayal would consist of various subtle mindfucking things like doubt, delusion, isolation, lovebombing or praise associated with what’s done for another, maintaining transactional relationships, or anything else that would deteriorate the trust within oneself. vampirizing emotions can also play a role in altering one’s reality, which can happen with people who claim to be empaths or in situational events. examples of emotional vampirizing in empaths can come from lack of personal boundaries or assuming one knows others better than they would know themselves, using common generalized phrases that any human can feel at times, such as sadness or another emotion that would be considered dense, heavy, or negative. the vampirizing empath relies on the moments of vulnerability that their interactions cause in their feed, taking advantage of the next key moments which determine whether this is a new supply or not. situational events that are vampirizing can be distressing or tormenting for individuals involved in the event, such as a narcissist’s temper tantrum and ensuing smear campaign, or when a spiritual teacher tells you to stop taking medicine that changes your ability to function because taking this medicine puts you at a “lower vibration” and stops you from connecting with their idea of what’s right. even one-off events can have lasting effects and continue to vampirize the feed long after it takes place.

fortunately, there is some kind of built-in protection that one has when it comes to vampirism on a spiritual and energetic level. sometimes, there are practices encouraging the removal of this protection, which include what’s been discussed in this article. one way people remove their protections is by burning white sage or herbs that have no cultural significance to them in effort to remove “negative energy” from their aura or home, or burning herbs that they can use, but without conscious intention. people may also forget to bring in a harmonizing element after clearing or cleansing a space, which only leaves room for the same energy to return and cling to the walls. other practices actively encourage people to attempt dissociation to be able to channel divine insight and work as one of “god’s favorites.”  practicing meditation and defining boundaries are two things that can help provide clarity on unwanted effects from the influence of others. this practice may also help with recognizing the protections you are in control of and can potentially reconnect you with your divine team of benevolent beings. when the individual is able to take back their power and reclaim their energy from vampiric dynamics, there’s an opportunity to learn about why or how it happened. this doesn’t mean it’s the individual’s fault, or that it won’t ever happen to them again, but it can offer a great deal of acceptance in reflecting on what happened and how vulnerability played a role leading up to it.

fear, guilt, and shame are all complex emotions that are used to the feeder’s advantage in vampirism. having a strong sense of self, confidence in who you are and your abilities, operating from a center of love, being rooted in truth and reality, and allowing the space for discernment are all excellent ways to further protect oneself from being subject to vampirizing dynamics. it can be hard to do this alone and if you have the means, or even if you need to ask for help to afford it, try talking through these issues in therapy so you have the extra support which is qualified to provide advice and treatment based on professional standards. you can’t live your life in fear that everyone is trying to feed on you and will use you for their own good and throw you away as soon as they see you have no further value to them. that was definitely not the intention of providing information in this article, and if this causes any paranoia or anxiety or triggers fears to be recognized, take extra care of yourself and seek additional support as needed.

different symbols, tools, and rituals can help with protecting oneself from vampirism and reclaiming siphoned energies. the most effective practices to engage with are the ones that are culturally specific to the individual. the following exercises are examples of general energy work exercises that can provide pivotal points of healing for those who allow it. these can be practiced once or in a series of healing sessions and is intended to be done on a self-healing basis to give the individual control over their space and intentions.

protecting oneself from vampirism and vampirizing cords

this is an exercise that will help you whether you’re the food or the feeder in this dynamic. if you recognize any of your own behaviors as the feeder, this will be easier to process than if you denied that this was possible at all. the following steps are a kind of energy work that anyone can comfortably practice and is intended to help you understand how this dynamic can be structured within your body and how to help keep yourself safe by knowing this. the exercise involves the process of grounding, shielding, and retrieving your own energy and redirecting it back to your body. side effects of this exercise may include a sudden change in energy levels, temperature fluctuations, pressure in parts of the body that were corded, clarity in the cords creation and enforcement, and/or changes in relationships affected by these cords, among others.

  1. meditate or do breathing exercises that center you to help clear your mind and remain focused on the practice.
  2. when you feel calm and centered, set your intentions and pray for your protection in completing the activity. “i allow myself to reclaim any and all of my energy from vampirism and protect all of the space and bodies i contain from any and all adverse effects of vampirism, across all time, space, dimensions, continuums, planes, cycles, and karmic loops, in perfect alignment with my greatest and highest good, and the greatest and highest good of all involved. thank you. so it shall be.”
  3. if you feel comfortable, place your left hand a few inches above your belly button and extend your right arm with the palm facing out. you may choose to visualize or think this process as well or in substitution for the action.
  4. start to feel the golden energy of your solar plexus shine into your hand as it grows. ask for all vampirizing cords to be revealed at this time.
  5. whether you visualize it or feel the weight of the cords around you, allow yourself to perceive the effects of your energy returning to you. the cords may still be in tact at this point, or they could have burned up in the process of this reclamation. if you have no other indication that they’ve already burned, allow them to do so.
  6. continue to experience whatever healing you need from this time with yourself. one may hear a sound they trust or some sort of external noise in their environment to confirm it’s done, or visualize the energy swirling around their aura as it redistributes back to the self, or smelling the energy that was burned off and recycled from this cord removal. wait until you receive confirmation of transmutation before ending the healing.
  7. seal it all in by feathering your aura physically or visualizing it with its protecting membranes in tact.

cutting the energetic umbilical cord

this self-healing exercise is appropriate for those who have wounding surrounding the birthing parent. whether you suffered from abusive or controlling dynamics with this person, or feeling like they worry too much about you, or don’t understand their anger and frustration with you, this can help you take some of your energy back. sometimes, when unhealthy dynamics are nurtured between a pregnant and birthing body and the body they grow and birth, this can be found within the energetic cords between the two. the biggest one is often the umbilical cord, which gets cut at birth and can remain in tact energetically after for an extended period of time. this cord allows much of the birthing body’s energy within the birthed body when it doesn’t belong there. it’s an energetic leak for both parties, with the birthing body gaining as much as it loses while the birthed body seems to only lose in these situations. side effects of this exercise may include a sudden change in energy levels, temperature fluctuations, pressure in parts of the body that were corded or within one’s own womb/hara center/sacral energetic point, clarity in the cord’s enforcement, and/or changes in relationships affected by these cords, among others.

  1. meditate or do breathing exercises that center you to help clear your mind and remain focused on the practice.
  2. when you feel calm and centered, set your intentions and pray for your protection in completing the activity. “i allow the energetic umbilical cord between myself and my birthing parent to fully and completely dissolve or otherwise transmute into beneficial and harmonious experiences for myself only, across all time, space, dimensions, continuums, planes, cycles, and karmic loops, in perfect alignment with my greatest and highest good, and the greatest and highest good of all involved. thank you. so it shall be.”
  3. after the intention is stated and settles in, you may see this parent or energetic body relating to them with the cording to you, or the cord itself rooted through your belly button and into your hara center. if visualization is not your strong suit, this may be perceived another way.
  4. if you feel called to do so, allow yourself to receive additional information through your senses or clairabilities and you can even do this with your akashic records open to make that easier for you.
  5. allow the energetic umbilical cord to be dissolved. some other cords may stem out of this original cord, making it confusing to perceive or threatening in some way to remain focused on. one way of dissolving the cord is by visualizing fire burning it up from both ends or starting in the middle to reach each person’s corded roots.
  6. as the cord burns, allow healing energy you’re comfortable with to flow through your body to heal where the cording was rooted or extended to throughout your energetic bodies. allow this plugging of holes to occur from the inside out, as if it were flowing from your hara line out through the meridians too. once this is done, affirm that your healing time is complete. wait until you receive confirmation of transmutation before ending the healing.
  7. seal it all in by feathering your aura physically or visualizing it with its protecting membranes in tact.

be gentle & take care of yourself
with love, mars & the akashic records

note: no part of this document shall be copied, replicated, or duplicated without explicit written permission of Mars Musacchia, which can be requested via email at no part of this document is intended to replace professional medical advice and should not be taken as such. please seek additional treatment as needed.

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